1.Enlarged viewing area: Magnifying glasses provide a magnified view of the print text or other small object that is being viewed. This can make it easier to see and read the print, even if it is not usually easy to read.
2.Improved reading ability: Magnifying glasses can help people who have trouble reading standard-size print or other small print to see and read the print more clearly. This can make it easier to perform daily tasks and read books and other printed materials.
3.Reduced eye strain: Magnifying glasses can reduce eye strain by allowing people to focus on the print text or other small object more closely, without having to move their eyes as far. This can help to reduce the risk of eye strain and other vision problems.
4.Improved ability to see small print: Magnifying glasses can be particularly helpful for people who have trouble seeing small print, such as fine print on medicine bottles, prescription bottles, or other small print.