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The benefits of block blue light glasses

EFE GLASSES | Dec 09,2022


If you've ever worried about eye damage from digital screens, you're probably looking for ways to protect your eyes from blue light damage. blue light glasses are more popular than ever, as they claim to protect your eyes from potential damage - but how effective are they at keeping your eyes healthy? In this article, we'll tell you how blue light glasses work.



What are block blue light glasses?


Blue light glasses are glasses that contain lenses that are specially designed to reduce the amount of blue light reaching the eyes. These lenses filter blue light to help prevent them from entering your eyes and causing potential damage. Typically, blue light lenses have a slight yellow tint to counteract the blue light, but you usually won't notice this.


How do blue light blocking glasses work?


To combat the harmful effects of blue light, you may need to block blue light glasses, but how do they work? These glasses have a special coating that covers the lenses. This special coating contains filter material that can block some of the light from your electronic device. But frankly, the coating doesn't completely block out blue light, otherwise, you wouldn't see things at all. But by reducing the amount of light that enters your eyes, your glasses are protected from its harmful effects.


5 health benefits of block blue light glasses


1. Reduce eye strain

If you stare at your phone or computer screen for a long time every day, you are sure to experience eye discomforts, such as watery eyes or dry eyes. Glasses with blue light blocking technology can enhance your focus and reduce eye strain so your eyes feel less tired and you can be more productive.


2. Improve sleep quality

Blue light has a higher energy frequency, and if you spend more time looking at screens before sleep, the blue light delays your body's release of melatonin, which helps induce sleep, which can further lead to insomnia or make it harder to fall asleep. In general, we should all avoid blue light devices one or two hours before sleep. But if you want to get a good night's sleep while using your devices before bed, you can wear blue light glasses, which can help reduce stress and help you fall asleep.


3. Reduce eye diseases

Prolonged exposure to blue light can lead to certain eye conditions such as macular degeneration, blurred vision, and, worse, may even lead to blindness. Although your cornea and eye lens do a good job of blocking harmful UV rays from reaching the retina, blue light can still penetrate your eye and cause further damage to the retina. Wearing block blue light glasses when using digital devices can help reduce your exposure and prevent you from developing certain eye diseases.


4. Prevent headaches

If you are someone who spends most of your time with electronic devices, whether at work or during your lunch break, you are at risk for headaches, migraines, dry eyes and nausea at work due to photophobia or light sensitivity symptoms. Then you can reduce photophobia symptoms such as migraines and headaches by wearing block blue light glasses. Their precision-tinted lenses filter only the wavelengths of light that pose the greatest risk while letting the rest pass through.


5. Improve your mood

Exposure to blue light can cause delay or reduce melatonin production, which can alter or even disrupt your body's natural circadian rhythm. Disruption of circadian rhythms can also lead to imbalances in the levels of other hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin. These hormones affect your mood, which can lead to mood disorders and depression. That's why some experts recommend wearing block blue light glasses when using digital devices at night.



I hope this article helped you gain a better understanding of block blue light glasses and their benefits in reducing eye damage. However, if you still feel that you are more sensitive to light than other people, you can always seek medical advice.